For the first time, endovascular prosthetics of a large aortic aneurysm was performed at

For the first time, endovascular prosthetics of a large aortic aneurysm was performed at "Best Life" Armenian-Japanese Medical Center.


An aortic aneurysm is a dilation of the aorta to its normal size. It is a clinical condition that can be asymptomatic for a long time, but can be fatal if it ruptures suddenly. Abdominal aortic aneurysm is most common. For years, the main form of surgery has been open large-scale surgical intervention, but medicine is evolving and today it is even possible to carry out endovascular surgery for large aneurysms. This method makes it possible to avoid possible complications of open surgery, and also ensures the patient's speedy recovery.
Recently, two operations were performed at the "Best Life" Armenian-Japanese Medical Center: endovascular prosthetics of particularly large aneurysms (7 and 10 cm) of the abdominal aorta. Interventions were performed under regional anesthesia.
Under the supervision of our skilled specialists, the patients were discharged after spending only 2 days in the medical center and will be monitored on an outpatient basis during further recovery.

Invasive cardiologists of the "Best Life" Armenian-Japanese Medical Center Khachik Hambardzumyan and Vahram Piruzyan participated in the Euro PCR interventional cardiology congress held in Paris the other day.

Once again, according to the already established custom, the "Best Life" Armenian-Japanese Medical Center will host a specialist from Moscow - cardiovascular surgeon, arrhythmologist, candidate of medical sciences Roman Sergey Ovchinnikov.

Khachik Hambardzumyan took part in the "Total occlusion and bifurcation interventions" (TOBI - Total occlusion and bifurcation interventions) conference in Milan, Italy, on November 15-17.


For the first time, endovascular prosthetics of a large aortic aneurysm was performed at "Best Life" Armenian-Japanese Medical Center.

A few days ago, the meeting with the founders of "Best Life" MC and the president of Asahi company Miyata Masahiko, vice president Tamura Hideki, regional manager Suleiman Jabrailov was very fruitful.

Rafael Manvelyan was selected as a member of the management team of the vascular section of the CCT (Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics) congress to be held in Kobe, Japan.

EuroPCR 2023

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